Erico Carpentry Shop

We had an interesting visit to the Erico Carpentry Shop. They specialize in building coffins. I never learned how they got into this specialty but it was different and interesting and I love visiting small businesses.

If you look below the sign in this photo, you will see some of the coffins lined up for sale. This was a roadside business, across from the beach.

The nearest coffin is a tennis shoe coffin. They had several different shoe coffins. You can also see the Ghana Airlines coffin behind it.

The next photo is the above tennis shoe coffin, opened up.

Vicky is checking out a beer coffin below. I think she might have been thinking about me.

You can also see a different shoe coffin and a fish coffin to Vicky's right side.

The special feature of the beer coffin, we were told, is that it doubles as a storage cabinet in your home until such time as you die, then it becomes your coffin.

You can see the shelves inside the beer coffin below, good for storing dry goods, vegetables, beer, fruits, etc.

This gentleman showing us the beer coffin seemed particularly proud of this coffin...and I can see why.

Below are two more coffins that I found interesting. The chili pepper coffin would be perfect for my grandson, Archer, except that he's only nine years old.

Still, Archer loves his hot sauces, makes his own hot sauces, and carries around a bottle of hot sauce for when he eats a meal.

For myself, I thought the US money coffin was intriguing, though I'm not particularly impressed by the drawing of Ben Franklin.