Driving into Benin

After leaving the fishing village, it was only a short drive to the Togo and Benin border. This border crossing was quick and easy.

These photos are bus photos. 

The agriculture in Benin was on a larger scale than in Togo. We saw bigger fields, palm and banana orchards, and row crops such as tomatoes, squash, carrots, and lettuce.

We also passed though a number of small villages along the way.

I will also include a couple of photos to show some more of the housing that we saw along the way. It seemed to me to be more impressive than in Ghana or Togo.

The small villages were always interesting. We didn't pass through as many in Benin and they were not as crowded, plus way fewer speed bumps.

The photo below might seem out of place in a small town but rest assured, the women in these countries really took pride in their hair as well as their dresses.

Below is a small shop. I only included this photo because I was so impressed with the woman shopping here and the amount she had on her head.

We finally saw some really nice crops of vegetables as we neared our lunch stop.