Head Fisherman's House

We were introduced to the head fisherman while at the fishing village. He is evidently in charge of the whole fishing village and their fishing association.

He took us into his house to see the house and to see his wife smoking some of the fish caught on this day.  His house is right on the fishing village beach, not far from the ocean. Below is the entryway to his house. You will notice as we go through the house that it has no roof.

This next space is what I would determine to be similar to our garage. It has some fuels, lumber, and a garbage can.

This space appears to be for laundry and perhaps other things. The garage area is to the right of this space.

Below is a bedroom, and the only bedroom that I saw. You might notice a youngster sleeping in this room on the floor on a tarp.

Below is the kitchen. This is for their regular home cooking. The fish smoking is done in space behind where I took this photograph. You can see the work table and their fire.

Now we meet his wife and she is smoking some of their fish. She has stacks of fish in layers above the fire. As we arrived, all the trays were stacked up on top of each other.

Smoking and drying are the two ways that they preserve their fish. The photo below is some of the dried fish that she just smoked.

The last photo below is not part of the house. It's a short distance from the house and beach. We saw stacks of wood all over this part of the coast. 

People sell wood and people use wood to cook and to smoke fish. I don't believe that wood is needed to provide heat as it never really gets cold here.

Wood comes in many lengths for various purposes. Shorter pieces are for cooking while longer pieces are for construction purposes.